

College Reality Check

Blog, Colleges, Financial Aid, General, Information, News, Parents, Students

Fabulous site sponsored by The Chronicle of Higher Education and the Gates Foundation designed to help parents and students put the language of college information on an even playing field.  The categories are net price vs sticker price, graduation rates, and graduation debt in an extremely user friendly manner.  [read more]

Questioning the Mission of College

Blog, Colleges, General, News, Parents, Students

Frank Bruni, writing for The New York Times Sunday Review, posts an editorial discussing the future of public higher education in the State of Texas.  Based on the latest verbiage from Austin, Bruni questions:  “Do we want our marquee state universities to behave more like job-training centers, judged by the number of students they speed toward degrees, the percentage of those students who quickly land good-paying jobs and the thrift with which all of this is accomplished?”  [read more]

Choosing a Practical Major

Blog, Career, Colleges, General, Students

“Students have been confronted for generations with the question: ‘What do you expect to do with a degree in that?'”   Philip Bean from Haverford College offers some advice the the incoming freshman student that includes: study something of interest to you, study something that will sharpen your mind, and spend time exploring career options.  [read more]