With Open Carry a reality of Texas public colleges and universities, some professors are considering “keeping things safe” and not opening discussions that could be controversial citing student and personal safety. [read more]
Texas A&M has announced that final freshman admission decisions will be sent this week. These decisions will include offers of admission to all summer provisional program, the Texas A&M Blinn TEAM program, the Engineering Academy at Blinn-Bryan, new Engineering Program at Galveston as well as offers to our Program for System Admission (PSA). Students should check AIS for the most updated information regarding their decisions.
Filing for financial aid can seem intimidating and difficult as families usually must estimate their income because forms are often due before taxes have been filed. But all of this will change for students filing in the 2017-18 school year. Both the federal government [FAFSA] and CollegeBoard [CSS Profile] will be set up for parents to use the IRS retrieval tool pulling information in from 2-years ago. This process is known as “prior-prior-year” or PPY. The new FAFSA will open up October 1, 2016 making it possible for some colleges to get financial information out earlier. [read more]
Did you know you could pay for a re-score of your ACT essay? The cost for the extra read is $50, but many students score better on the re-score and the fee is refunded if the new score is higher than the original. [read more]
FAFSA4caster will help you understand your options for paying for college. Provide some basic information to estimate your eligibility for federal student aid. Your estimate will be shown in the “College Cost Worksheet” where you can also provide estimated amounts of other student aid and savings that can go towards your college education. [read more]