The Princeton Review hosts a survey for this year’s parents of high school seniors entitled Colege Hopes and Worries Survey. These parents have some strong advice and tips for next year’s parents. [read more]

Month March 2013
Claire Vaye Watkins authors an op-ed piece in the New York Times discussing her experience that far too many top students from rural as well as inner city schools can relate to in the college application process. She strongly suggests that the answer is to follow the model of the military – walking the family methodically through the process. [read more]
Most families with a high school junior experience stress at home regarding the college search and application process. One primary factor leading to this stress is that the understanding of timeline differs with the parent and the student. Psychologist, Michael Thompson, offers some food for reflection. [read more]
Jeff Silingo, an editor for the Chronicle of Higher Education, posts an article on LinkedIn discussing the growing trend of colleges that see their role as job-training facilities rather that the more tradition role of developing graduates with “the broad skills to succeed in a career and in life.” [read more]
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Edudemic has started a new series entitled “Career Spotlights” designed to provide parents and students with important information on various careers. The articles will be informative and will contain helpful advice from professionals working in the field being spotlighted. [read more]
Graduating early from college can have a significant positive financial savings. Using such tactics as using AP, dual credit, and/or CLEP credits to fill core requirements as well as taking advantage of summer opportunities and online courses at local junior colleges to fulfill core requirements can eliminate thousands of dollars from the more traditional four-year graduation plan. Students finishing in the middle of the year often have less competition in the job market because only about five to ten percent of students graduate in December, according to Inside Higher Ed. [read more]
Peter Orszag of The Miami Herald and former Director of the Office of Management and Budget for the Obama administration, offers an opinion regarding a paper recently released by economists Martha Bailey and Susan Dynarski of the University of Michigan regarding the widening gap in college completion rates. Bailey and Dynarski posit that the gap between the rich and the poor has grown by 14 percentage points since 1980. Orszag reminds us of a fundamental national concern; we are risking “the traditional American notion of equal opportunity.” [read more]
The Chronicle of Higher Education reported on 3/21 that the US Senate appropriated funds to continue research at colleges and universities, however deep cuts are in store for political science research. Sen. Tom Coburn, a Republican from Oklahoma strongly disagreed with the foundation’s spending priorities. He “sent a letter last week to the NSF’s director, Subra Suresh, listing a series of agency-financed projects he considered a waste of taxpayer money. His list included several involving political science, including studies of voter attitudes toward the Senate filibuster and of the cooperation between the president and Congress.”
“Michael Brintnall, executive director of the American Political Science Association, who called it a dangerous act of political interference in science…(citing a) NSF-sponsored political-science … study of school districts and government that informed many of the efforts by mayors in recent years to improve school-system governance.” [read more]